<% On error resume next Appversion = CInt(Mid(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"),9,1)) 'Appversion = 3 'if its IE4 and MAC then downgrade to 3 version If InStr(1, Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "MSIE 4") > 0 AND InStr(1, Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "Mac") > 0 Then AppVersion = 3 'if its Netscape and 4.02 then downgrade to 3 version If InStr(1, Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "4.02") > 0 AND InStr(1, Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "MSIE") <= 0 Then Appversion = 3 'Set Parent and ID vars 'Parent = Request("Parent") If IsNull(Parent) then Parent = Request("Parent") If IsNull(ID) then ID = Request("ID") response.write "" path = Server.MapPath("/security/inc/menu2.txt") Set fMenu = Server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") Set Menu = fMenu.OpenTextFile(path) newline = CHR(10) & CHR(13) dim list(200,4) do until Menu.AtEndOfStream line = "" do until Menu.AtEndOfLine OR Menu.AtEndOfStream ch = Menu.Read(1) line = line + ch loop i = i + 1 Cspace = InStr(1,line, " ") list(i,3) = CInt(Left(line, Cspace-1)) 'response.write InStr(1,line, " ") if InStr(1,line, " ") = 0 then parentid = list(i,3) if InStr(1,line, " ") > 0 then list(i,4) = parentid 'response.write Cspace & " " & list(i,3) & "
" line = Right(line, len(line)-Cspace) star = InStr(1,line,"@") if star > 0 Then link = Right(line, len(line) - star) line = Left(line, star-1) list(i, 2) = link end if list(i,1) = line if not Menu.AtEndOfStream then Menu.Readline 'Response.Write list(i,1) & " " & list(i,2) & "
" loop%> <%If Appversion >= 4 Then%> <%End If%>